Being a business manager

Now I dare to innovate and I improve the distribution of my products
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MUSA is a company that meets the household needs of both individuals and enterprises. To this end, we manufacture household products adapted to the needs of our clients (disease prevention, service, price and quality). Our concern for continuous improvement encourages us to innovate continuously.


Before microMBA, we had administrative and relational difficulties with our suppliers and customers, which prevented us from putting in place the necessary controls and to fulfill our commitments. We did not defined strategies to increase our sales, which were quite low. We complained about it, but we did nothing to change that situation.


I started microMBA with a strong ambition to improve my business and, given the integral dimension of the program, my expectations were largely exceeded, as it was not only a question of growing my business, but also of making me grow personally. Participating in this program allowed me to change my mentality and assume my role as a manager. I have managed to define clear working strategies, meeting production standards and commitments. At the same time, we have been able to diversify our service offerings. At the beginning of the program, our monthly sales were 300$ and our goal was to reach 1,000$. The results have been much better, since at the end of the program our monthly sales amounted to 2,800$!


Participating in the microMBA program was an excellent experience that opened up new horizons and that allows us today to work with other entrepreneurs who contribute to increase our clientele and our revenues.


We innovate every day and respond better to the needs of the market by creating new product lines. I have in mind the importance of the commercial relationship with my clients and with other entrepreneurs, as this exchange of win/win allows us to keep doors open.


Iriset Ramos


MUSA (Mujeres Unidas de Santa Ana)


Production and marketing of household products


El Salvador
