Recognizing mistakes to change

I thought I was doing things right, but then I realized that it was all a mess.
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I am Jose Yamister Parra, a visionary 34 year-old entrepreneur from Cali. At present, I am the owner of the company Helados y Paletas Sabrosura. My dream has always been to be an entrepreneur. I decided it when I was working as a head of security in Almacenes la 14, 9 years ago. I decided then to throw myself into a new challenge, a decision that changed completely my lifestyle. I started with a business of internet booths, an enriching experience that gave me the opportunity to get to know the needs of my community. I discovered then the option to offer variety in my services, such as: support in the elaboration of tasks, transcription of texts, national and international calls, photocopy service and even selling ice cream and sweets.


Running a business is a commitment, it means to achieve credibility through your services. In 2015, I discovered microMBA, a process of self-assessment and guidance that allowed me to realize that the vision of my company was not clear, that it had not administrative and financial controls. I thought I was doing things right, but no, my company had problems of liquidity costs and staff turnover. It was all a mess.


Thanks to microMBA, I managed to identify my weaknesses, better manage my time and analyze the impact of my business in the community. I completely changed my way of thinking. I discovered that making mistakes entails new opportunities for change, which led me to close my business of internet booths and start again from scratch with Helados y Paletas Sabrosura, a company focused on sharing experiences through quality ice cream. It has been seven months of constant and organized work. We have the support of INVIMA, five employees with social security and social and health benefits. My goal is to finish organizing the company and strengthen it in order to break into new markets.


Jose Yamister Parra


Helados y paletas Sabrosura


Sale of ice cream


